1a, From the Rising of the sun to the going down of the same , the Lord’s Name is to be praised Psalms 113-3
1b, Confess your sins that your prayers will not be hindered.He that covereth his sins shall not prosper but whosoever confess and forsake them shall have mercy
Proverbs 28:13
2. Prayer for all our ministers, the elders and their families and all leaders of various groups in our church for God divine grace to be able to carry on their God giving assignment.
1 Peter 5:1-4.
3. Walking in obedience to God’s regulations leads to multiple blessings.
We pray as we are called by God, our hearts will be in tune with Him
Deuteronomy 5:33
4. Children are inheritance from the Lord.
We continue to present our children before the Lord to totally commit their all to God.
Proverbs 17:6.
b,)Pray for Beauty for Ashes Ministry for divine favor from God and open doors for the ministry vision and mission to be achieved to the glory of the Lord.
Psalm 10:14.
5.a, 5/7/2022 is another out reach day.
Pray for as many that will come for the physical food they will also be satisfied spiritually.
Psalm 41:1&82:3-4.
b,As the moslems round up their fasting and prayers we will continue to pray for as many that are seeking the true God the Lord will reconciled them to Himself.
John 3:16&17.
6, We thank God for the successful burial of our late brother last week, we continue to pray for more grace comfort and strength to our love ones the Okudoh s and the entire family back home.
b. Our God is the master of the universe omini presences
Wherever our brother Felix is for God to deliver him and get his released.
Job 5:11
Psalm 27.
7. We will keep lifting our hearts cry to the Lord concerning the persecuted countries for God deliverance
Psalm 33:20-22.
8a, The DCC National conference is fast approaching.
Let’s continue to pray for God’s provision protection and most of all for God to prepare the speakers teachers songs prayers that will be offered and every person’s heart that will there to receive that which the Lord prepared for His people.
2 Timothy 1:13.
b, Let’s pray for the planning committee for God’s divine direction and leading in the preparation.
C, The cattle of a thousand hills belongs to the Lord as silver and gold are HIS.
Our Church building project is in HIs hands ,all the hearts of men are under HiS Lordship.
We pray that all of us members will totally surrender our all to the Lord with holding nothing.
Psalm 128:1,2.